Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Break

So, fall break begins on Thursday. Actually, I mean it pretty much starts tomorrow at 1:50 when I get out of civ... but the official days are Thursday and Friday. I am not looking forward to it because I am the only person I know staying in Shawnee, so it is going to be ridiculously boring and lonely. However, I am staying in the girls house... so at least I get to cook for myself! Here is my to-do list for break. I don't think anyone cares.... but it will help me organize/plan for this 4 day weekend.

1. Do my nutrition self assessment project and paper
2. Start studying for my development and nutrition test
3. Read Canterbury Tales for civ and do copy book questions
4. Start studying for my Civ test aka outline my 20+ pages (front and back) of notes
5. Write my Civ Lit paper (intense!)
6. Keep up with my reading for physiology
7. Beginning learning my definitions for the next test (we have 100 this time... :/)
8. Potentially look at the assignment for my next sociology paper (do some research?)
9. Work on my proposal for my Civ history paper (topic: BLACK DEATH!)
10. Write some letters
11. Finally watch Moulin Rouge
12. Skype!
13. Do some serious cooking
14. Clean the house a bit... especially the kitchen
15. Wake up Sunday and listen to a podcast since I won't be able to get to church
16. ...and most importantly, SLEEP!

I am sure I am forgetting plenty of stuff that I need to do... but these are the main things. Sheesh... this isn't going to be much of a "break."


Danielle said...

1-8: GROSS!!!

9-15: LIKE.

16: LOVE!!! Sleep extra for me. DD.

and yea, my break wasn't a break either. ha. I DEFINITELY feel ya.

Danica Galabeas said...

Yay for papers on BLACK DEATH!!! Me gusta
Wish I were driving up to hang out with you for your fall break...I hope I am on your list of people to Skype with!!! Love you!