Thursday, April 22, 2010

Beautiful Day!

Today was so wonderful! The sun was shining and my classes were cancelled. It was basically a recipe for joy. Anyway, I was relatively productive during the morning, then unintentionally napped during the afternoon. Around 3, Sarah called me and asked if I wanted to come over and see her and her new baby, Henry! I was SO excited because I had really been wanting to see him. He will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. It is so crazy! I went over and saw him. He was asleep when I got there, so I just held him for about an hour while Sarah and I got to catch up. It was so wonderful. He is such a good baby! He hardly cries at all. He kind of whines when he needs something, but he doesn't cry much. Sarah also told me that he sleeps a lot and has even slept through the night already, which is pretty impressive. So, I just held him as he slept. He is unbelievably precious. I fell in love with him the moment I saw him. After a while, Sarah and I walked back over to my dorm with Henry and her daughter, Cora. Some of the RA's of my dorm wanted to see him, so we headed over. While I was there, all Cora wanted to do was play with me. So I chased her around my dorm for about an hour. She spun me around in a chair, she wanted to see my room, she wore my purse (which was bigger than her), she took all the magnets off of our fridge and she played on every one of our beds. I had so much fun with her! She takes a while to warm up to people (she is only 3), but she actually likes to see me now. Let me just say, there is nothing like getting the approval of a child! They have this amazing ability to drastically increase your confidence. They can also make you feel so loved and so special. Spending time with Sarah and her kids warmed my heart so much today! Here are some pictures to highlight my beautiful day! Enjoy!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Yahweh Jireh

As you know, this past weekend was Breaking Free:Charade. I am pretty much at a loss for words, but I am going to attempt to post about the weekend. Forgive me in advance if this is really jumbled.

Before this weekend, the Lord had really been working in my own heart. Teaching me and showing me how to trust Him fully, regardless of my circumstances. He had been teaching me what it means to "pray continually." He had been quietly assuring me that He is faithful. So, I went into this weekend with a peace that surpasses all understanding, ready to serve these kids. I really had no idea what was waiting for us all this weekend.

When DG and I made it to the church Friday morning (after having a wonderful trip down from dallas together) we did some work and had some lunch and met the other leaders. It was all pretty chill. Later in the afternoon, James had the leaders participate in the Prayer Labyrinth that the students would be participating in the next day. Most of us didn't finish because we ran out of time, but I enjoyed the parts I got to! One of the first stations involved us writing a name for God in which we have experienced or in which we need to experience. I wrote: Yahweh Jireh- The Lord will Provide. It ended up being really awesome to see it up on stage on Saturday after the high schoolers had written on it. Riley has some pictures if you haven't already checked it out. It overwhelmed me reading through it and just feeling such reverence for the Lord.

I had the 8th grade girls this weekend. A lot of the time I felt like I was talking to a brick wall, which was rather discouraging at times. It was like pulling teeth trying to get these girls to talk to me. All of these girls also come from Christian homes and go to the Christian school that is at the church. So, I found that to be challenging in its own way. The most I could get out of them was "sunday school answers." Getting them to go any deeper was pretty much impossible. However, when I met to James and Ashley Sunday before we left, I felt a bit better about it. They know these girls and know exactly where I was coming from in my discouragement. One thing I can trust in is the fact the regardless of how much they opened up this weekend, the Lord definitely planted seeds in each one of them. I will just continue to pray that it would just "click" for them and God would turn their hearts to focus fully on Him.

One thing that stood out the most to me this weekend was worship on Saturday. Kevin, our speaker, had delivered a really good message. I got a lot out of it and I could tell that the students were as well. After Kevin spoke, some students needed to talk/pray so I went outside with one girl. We got to talk and pray for a while and then we came back in. When I walked into that room, I just had to stop for a minute. I was so completely overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord in that room. I looked around and I saw broken hearts and students crying out to the Lord. It brought tears to my eyes. I walked to the back of the room and all I could do was fall on my knees before the Lord. I found that each song the band played was exactly what I wanted/needed to pray. It was wonderful. I was just in such awe and completely overwhelmed with the the presence of the Lord in that room. God was moving mightily in there. Praise Him!

Sunday morning, some of the high school students led worship. After witnessing that, I was reminded how grateful I was for our band that came this weekend! They lead with such humility. I forgot how important that was, until I saw what it could be like without it. ha. But seriously, Molly, Katie, Nathan, Trey, Zach and Riley were SUCH a blessing this weekend. Forget the fact that they sounded wonderful (as they always do), but they truly came to serve, and it warmed by heart to see. Anyway, I loved having them there. On a selfish note, I was also really glad to hang out with them a little bit and have fun.

Sunday, a bunch of students also came up and shared a little bit of their testimonies from this weekend. It touched me SO much. I got to here from a couple of kids who had been saved! Praise God! It was beautiful! Goodness. I also got to here from kids who finally realized all that God has in store for them and their hearts were changed. We also got to here from a mini John Piper! This kid was legit. Anyway, it was incredible to here all that the Lord had done in those 2 days.

Anyway, there is so much more I could say, but my thoughts are way to jumbled. Basically, God is GOOD and so Faithful! This weekend also provided some great affirmation in my life. This year has been an incredible year of growth and learning for me! I am also learning so much about the power of prayer! It is wonderful. I feel like I am a totally different person and I couldn't be more grateful for the Lord relentlessly pursuing me and breaking my heart. Gosh. I am just speechless for all He has and continues to do!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Breaking Free!

First off, I had a great birthday! It was definitely different, and it didn't feel like a birthday by any means, but it was good. God really provided some really wonderful people in my life to help make this day special. I am so blessed in that. Special thanks to:
1. Danielle Weghorst, my best friend. There are no words.
2. Casie Trotter, my precious roommate. She gave me a wonderful gift and she's been so encouraging to me.
3. Lauren Loughridge, my other dear roommate. I loved getting to share our birthdays in the same week. She is such a blessing!
4. Amanda Layman and Kacie Jo for sharing a birthday meal with me.
5. Zachary, Trey and DG for their prayers over me.
6. Molly Roberts for finding the time to call me and tell me happy birthday.

I have completely avoided studying all day. I need to get on that so I don't bomb my test tomorrow! yikes!

I am SO excited for this weekend! I am ready to see God move in the lives of these students and really change hearts, including my own. I can't wait to meet these girls and really pour into them and share the wonder of God's love with them. It will be awesome!

In preparation for this weekend, I will be taking part in a media fast all day Thursday. Only Christian music. No TV. No movies. No FB. No Twitter. No blogging. Only using my phone for important communication (ie, when I am traveling and need to keep my family updated). Let's all be praying for this weekend! God is mighty to save! :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Can you believe it?!

Tomorrow I say goodbye to my teenage years. It is a little surreal, especially because it doesn't feel like my birthday at all! It's been quite the journey so far, I must say. I have no real complaints about my life up until this point, but I am so ready to be a "young adult." I am over being a teenager. I feel so much older than 19, so it will be nice to actually BE older than 19.

Adulthood brings a lot of responsibility with it! Kind of terrifying. Haha. But bring it on I suppose.

Mostly I am excited about flying to Dallas on Thursday and heading to Houston. This weekend will be good! I am excited to see the Lord at work in the lives of these students, as well as the leaders and band. Plus, it is just an added bonus that I get to be with DG on her 20th birthday. Such a blessing.

If you think about it, keep praying for my dad and stepmom. It turns out the moving van will be in Boston on Saturday and they will be Texas bound. Things just seem to keep getting worse and problem after problem keeps appearing. It is just an incredibly stressful and overwhelming experience for all involved right now. Pray for job opportunities and pray for peace. God is faithful. He is good.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I think I have a problem.

I am pretty much only attracted to guys that look like total tools. seriously. It is totally ridiculous. I don't know what it is. This is a concerning issue.

But hey, admitting you have a problem is the first step, right? ;)