Saturday, February 27, 2010

Long Time No Blog

I haven't posted in a while because I haven't had anything interesting to say. Well, I still don't, but I figured I was due for a simple update.

1. Life all the sudden got really crazy. The first 4 weeks of school were relatively calm. Homework, sure, but nothing major. Week 5 hits and now I have something to do/study for every day and I suddenly have no free time whatsoever. Interesting how that worked out this semester.
2. Last week my roommates and I went out on a Thursday night and had dinner at chili's (thank goodness I have a gift card!) and then went and saw Valentine's Day. I had already seen the movie once, but I really really liked it and so I wanted them to be able to see it so I went along! It was just as good the second time around. This was the first time in my entire life that I had gone out on a school night (other than when I went to abs, that is). I felt like such a rebel. ;) It was really fun though and I am so glad we did that.
3. Last weekend I was supposed to be in Houston, but that didn't work out. I was already way ahead on most of my homework since I thought I would be out of town, so I got to just sleep and chill during the weekend. It was tight. I watched and finished season 3 of Greys Anatomy. My addiction is getting a little out of hand. Luckily, my roommate doesn't have season 4 yet so I don't have to worry about that becoming a distraction. It has been fun watching the show entirely in order!
4. I was luckily enough to enjoy 2 phone calls this week from some dear friends. It is so wonderful how such a small gesture can boost your spirit. I enjoyed catching up and laughing and telling stories. I can't wait until I am actually home for springbreak and can see everyone!
5. On Thursday I had my first "clinical" as a nursing student. There were 4 of us in this round and we went to the Shawnee Free Clinic. It was a very interesting experience. Two doctors volunteer every Thursday night, but they can only see 20 patients. The nurse I was with was in charge of going through everyones charts and lab work and deciding who needed to see the doctor and who should come back next week. It was sad turning people away. We also screened a number of the patients, meaning that we interviewed them and did an initial assessment, including vital signs. I got to do the vital signs. It was pretty legit because we had to do manual BP, not just hook them up to a machine. I also got to go out in the waiting room and call patients back. It was pretty fast pace and the 2.5 hours we were there flew by! I was so nervous going into it but so excited when we left. I can't believe I will be doing this the rest of my life! :)
6. Last night my roommate and I watched The Time Travelers Wife. It was so sad! I really enjoyed it though. I was in the mood for a kind of serious movie. It was a little hard to follow, and I was confused at parts, but overall I really liked it. I kind of want to watch it again now that I get all that happened. I must say, I am so grateful I do not have a time traveling husband.
7. Housing sign ups are coming up soon! I am a little nervous because I desperately want (and kind of need) and apartment for next year. My roommates and I should be in the second group to sign up so hopefully all will work out. I need a kitchen. I need to not eat in our cafeteria every meal. And I bake when I am stressed. I need to be able to bake. It's going to be wonderful living with my roommates again next year... especially if we are in an apartment!
8. The library opens in about 10 minutes and that is where I will be headed for the rest of the day. You see, I have 5 tests in the span of Monday-Wednesday next week. It is kind of absurd. And I am pretty much overwhelmed. But it is only three days, so surely I will survive. ;) With that being said, I really need to get to work this weekend and do all I can to make the week a little more bearable.
9. Springbreak is almost hear. I can't wait. I am so ready to see DG. and then to see my wonderful grandparents. I miss them so much. I love home!
10. I almost forgot to mention this. OBU offers yoga on Mondays (and Tuesdays, but I have class when its offered Tuesdays). They can't call it yoga here, so it is called "dynamic stretch," but it is yoga. It is absolutely wonderful! I look forward to it every Monday! Gah it is so great. Talk about relaxing. I seriously love it. It is hard for sure, but I already feel like I am getting better at it. I recommend it to everyone!

Sorry for such a dull post. My life hasn't been too exciting lately. I probably won't post again this week due to lack of time, so be warned.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I am feeling legit.

I have entered the beginning stages of the OBU nursing school. This semester I have my first real "nursing" class. It is Intro to Nursing and the class portion is 3 hours long on Wednesdays and a 2 hour lab on Tuesdays. This class will allow me to get my CNA (certified nurses assistant) license at the end of the semester, and hopefully work in the hospital this summer (I hope!). This class is what the title implies, an introduction to all things nursing. I have my first shift as a nursing student on February 25 in the Shawnee Free Clinic and an 8 hour shift at the nursing home in April. It is all still a little surreal. Of course, I had to have a uniform, which includes scrubs, white shoes, and a stethoscope. Putting all of this on was SO exciting for me, and so I decided to share some pictures with you all! Enjoy! (ps: sorry if the pictures are small, I got tired of trying to fix it).

This is me in my official OBU, hunter green scrubs, along with the OBU patch on the sleeve that I sewed on all by myself! Notice the matching stethoscope, compliments of my wonderful aunt. This was ridiculously expensive, but it is so so so exciting!

This is me in my scrubs and in my PPE (personal protective equipment). These booties, hair net, mask, gown and gloves will need to be worn anytime I see a patient in isolation. I must say, wearing this makes me feel the most legit of all!

Putting all of this stuff on reminded me how excited I am to be a nurse. The process may be rather frustrating, but I am so looking forward to what is in store for me in the future. :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Coincidence? I think not.

I got my first flu shot ever on Friday. This was not my choosing. OBU nursing school told me I had to. So I did.

Now I am sick. With many flu like symptoms.

Oh... and I think it is important to point out that I have never had the flu before.

To recap:
1. I have never had the flu before. Nor have I ever had a flu shot.
2. OBU made me get a flu shot. I did.
3. I am now sick, with what is looking like the flu.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Greatest. Day. Ever.

This was the superbowl that my family has been waiting for for the past 43 years. My pop and uncle Sam where at the first ever Saints game, and went to just about every home game over the next 20 or so years. My grandpa said that he never thought he would see this moment during his lifetime. I can't even begin to describe to you the joy felt by the entire Evans clan. My father was even giddy with excitement. I talked to him, my gma and my gpa on the phone tonight. Not a lot of words were exchanged... just a lot of screams and squeals and "oh my gosh"! It was so excited to see a city that (although I never had the opportunity to live in) I love win this game. I really like the Colts and Peyton Manning, don't get me wrong, but this means so much to the City of New Orleans and to my family as a whole. It was a beautiful sight. I have never been so emotionally invested in a game before. I don't care if that sounds dumb.

One of my favorite things was seeing Drew Brees on the podium after the win, tears in his eyes, holding his son, pure joy on his face. It was truly beautiful. Take some time and check out these pictures. They really choked me up. :),getty:20050301:nfl,photo,27c24af700fee1176e1c2849657b6b05-getty-spo-fbn-super_bowl-xliv:1

I am also so glad that Drew won MVP. I felt that he deserved to win it for the league, but alas, his time finally came. I hope that now he can finally be considered an "elite" quarterback alongside Peyton and Tom.

Gosh I am so happy. Seriously. I don't want to hear from any of you Saints haters, please. I just want to enjoy this moment. WHO DAT!

Friday, February 5, 2010

I might regret this...

...but I am going out and being social today and tonight instead of studying for micro. yikes! I am a little uneasy about it, because I am going with a HUGE group to see Dear John, but I only really know a couple of them. It should be interesting. I am def not a big group kind of person... unless I know everyone! It should be interesting.

In other news, I got my flu shot today. Dumb. I don't really believe in the whole flu shot thing. Seriously. But nursing school requires that we have it, so I didn't have much of a choice. At least it was free.

I do my first student nursing shift on February 25 at the Free Clinic in Shawnee. It is kind of intimidating, but certainly exciting. I will post more about all things nursing school later.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Jonas Brother Embarrassment

Today I experienced one of the most embarrassing moments of my life since being in college. However, it was slightly awesome, and definitely a good story. This would be much better if I was able to verbally tell you this story (or if you had actually been there), but seeing as how I don't have the time to call each and every one of you (nor would you want me to), I will do my best to paint the picture of my embarrassing moment.

For my microbiology class, I purchased a Jo Bros folder for storing papers and such. I never thought too much of it, and I often kept it covered by my textbook or lab book. Well, today my friend Julie convinced me to just own it and be proud of my folder. Taking her advice I kind of left it out in the open, but again, I didn't think too much of it. As lab progressed, I went across the table to share the microscope with my friend Amanda as we studied her bacteria (which was pretty cool, btw). Dr. Jett started walking around from table to table making sure we found a good, clear image of our bacteria and such. He got to our table and was answering the question of some other people and stopped mid-sentence, reached over, picked up my Jo Bros folder, help it up to the ENTIRE lab and YELLED: "What is this crap?! The Jonas Brothers?? Seriously?? What are you thinking? You have got to be kidding me! Of all things to bring into my lab, a Jonas Brothers folder!!" Keep in mind, at this point the entire lab, which is 25 students not including me, are staring over at our table as Dr. Jett holds up my folder for all to see. I am BRIGHT red, laughing and crying at this point. I couldn't even speak, much less begin to defend myself. To say that I was mortified was a huge understatement. A few people were laughing right along with me, but I felt like a lot of the crazy smart pre-med students looked down their noses at me. Not even a minute later I got Dr. Jett's attention to ask him a question about our slide. His response?: "I am starting to question YOU based on your music taste! You can bring anthrax into this lab... BUT NOT THE JONAS BROTHERS!" (this, too, was loud enough for all to hear).

Dr. Jett has two younger daughters (probably middle school to early high school age), so I am guessing this is where his Jo Bro hatred stems from. But man, I was SO embarrassed. To top it off, we had a quiz that morning over stuff from chemistry (which is dumb since this isn't a chem class) and I am pretty sure I bombed it (along with everyone else), so my guess is that he is going to have a really high opinion of me now ;).

Funny side note: earlier in lab, I was explaining to my lab group how many of the lines the Jo Bros use in their songs would probably work on me in real life because they are so ridiculously awesome. Examples: "You've got moves, I've got shoes, let's go dancin'." or "Turn right, into my arms; turn right, you won't be alone." etc. etc. They probably wouldn't work on me now, considering I know they are song lyrics, but had I never heard this stuff before, it might actually work. Ha.

At least I will always have a good story from micro...