Friday, May 29, 2009


I am going to Austin tomorrow and I am SO excited! :) and don't fret, I will be back for the grad party too! It is a total win-win situation! I love when that happens.

It will be a day filled with family, swimming and homeslice pizza. perfection.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


2 Corinthians 4:16-18
So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

And so it ends...

Well, I never thought this day would come. Seriously. This has been such a long year! You have no idea. But today is my last day at OBU... at least for the summer and my last day as a college freshman. I couldn't be happier. It is no secret how much I want to be home and away from this place!

This year has certainly been an interesting one. It was full of experiences I never though I would have to go through. It has challenged me and changed me in so many ways, and I think I am only beginning to realize a small amount of it. 

This year has been full of a lot of negatives, but I don't want to take the time to dwell on it. Everyone knows about my endless battles with illness and disease, so I feel no need to go into that. Ha. Instead I will focus on some positives of this year. (Such a change for me, ha).

1. My roommate: Courtney has been great. We have gotten along so well. She has been one of my very best (and only) friends at OBU. She is the one person here I feel like I can completely be myself around. I am going to really miss her when she transfers :(!
2. Frontline: This is the church I go to while I am here. It is in Oklahoma City. I absolutely love my church here. It has been a challenge finding a way to get there... and lately I have had to go with all the boys (which really isn't so bad)! This church is just great. There are so many different kinds of people there and I just love worshipping with all of them. Pastor Josh is great. He looks like Chris Daughtry and sounds like Chris Mayfield... it is an interesting combination. I am going to miss this church a lot over summer... but I can't wait to get back to my home church at Northwest! Plus, I can always catch the podcasts.
3. Kaitlyn: She is my RA. I don't know what I would have done without her. I have spent many a nights staying up talking to her and crying or just messing around with her on our hall. It is always so great. We have such a good balance and have become really good friends. She always tries to push me to be optimistic. I hated it the first semester... and parts of this semester, but she has taught me a lot. 
4. James: I am so grateful I knew him coming in to this. He has been a great help to me. He introduced me to his friends, he let me be part of his world, he helped me move in and out and he has been taking me to church the past few weeks... letting me be one of the guys. We still argue pretty much every time we see each other... but I am so blessed to know him!
5. Independence: This is definitely a lesson I had to learn while I was here. I used to be (and can still be) a very dependent person, but being in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma, knowing I rarely get to go home, I had to learn to be on my own and be ok with it. I have learned to handle being alone (since I usually am) and how to do things for myself. It hasn't always been a fun one... but it has been a good lesson to learn! 

OBU is teaching me a lot. I may never like it here, but I have learned to appreciate the things I have learned while being here. But I can't wait to be home!! 

One more final and lots and lots of packing then I get to check out. I will leave tomorrow morning and be home in the evening. I can't wait to get HOME!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Today is the day

I have 3 finals today

one of which is spanish... and considering I have a 99.5 in there, I have found it very difficult to care about this final. oops.

then, at 3:15 I start my first anatomy final. Is it comprehensive? why yes, yes it is. Then, at 4:15 I begin my anatomy lab final. This is not comprehensive, but rather difficult I must say. Blah.

I have decided that these anatomy finals will not defeat me. :)

Today is the day I conquer anatomy!!

...pray for me! 

Saturday, May 16, 2009


So, lately I have been having this reoccurring dream. So far I have had it 4 times. It is not a bad dream by any means, and it is not the exact same dream every time, but instead it is a progressive dream. I don't want to go into the details, ha, but it has been very weird! It is the same premises, but each dream has added a new part/extension to the one before it. 

It is so weird! Ha. I rarely remember my dreams in the first place, but less have them continue. I wonder how long this particular one will go on!

Anyone else had a reoccurring dream before? or am I the only one?!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Dream Guy

If this man walked into my dorm room right now and asked me to marry him, I would agree in a heartbeat. I love Bob Harper. :) Bah. He is such a wonderful trainer on the biggest loser... and he is certainly easy on the eyes! I watch the biggest loser every week and tonight was the finale. As it took the time to back through the season and recap all the highs and lows, I was reminded of how great he is! He is always so encouraging and inspirational, but he doesn't go easy on the contestants. He pushes them to their limits to help them change and improve their lives. I wish he would come be my trainer! He is great! Bob Harper, you are my dream guy! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Copy Cat

I am taking a page from the books (or in this case blogs) of Molly and DG. Here are a list of my top 5 currents:

Things on my mind:
1. Anatomy! (including the final... only 3 more tests!!!)
2. Summer, summer, summer
3. Nausea 
4. Camp (will it work out or not?)
5. HOME!

Recently Played:
1. Let it Rock- Kevin Rudolf
2. White as Snow- Jon Foreman
3. That Time- Regina Spektor
4. The Solid Rock- Avion
5. Us-Regina Spektor 

1. My pastor's son, Elijah. 
2. Strength and Endurance
3. Peace
4. My friends and family
5. Patience

1. Anatomy, of course
2. Moving out
3. MONEY! bah
4. Health
5. GPA

1. Pickles
2. Activia pudding :)
3. Fiber One Bars 
4. Salad
5. French Fries :/

1. Root Beer!
2. Water
3. Ginger Ale
4. Gatorade
5. Apple Juice

1. Grace
2. Church with the boys
3. Best Friends
4. Funny cards from my dad
5. My RA

TV Shows:
1. General Hospital
2. House! (I need to watch the season finale online)
3. Biggest Loser (Finale tomorrow!!!)
4. Scrubs
5. Grey's Anatomy

Goals (short term):
1. Finish strong
2. Take one day at a time
3. Manage my stress level
4. Start the bible study Ian gave me (tonight!)
5. Go to James's spin class one last time this semester

Goals (long term):
1. Graduate (duh)
2. Get married (duh again)
3. Grow in my walk more and more with each day
4. Be more laid back/ learn to relax
5. Love others with all I have (even if it doesn't always work out ideally)

Things to do:
1. STUDY! :(
2. Focus for 9 more days... easier said than done
3. Get my loft bed taken down, without making James mad at me. ha... also easier said than done
4. Pack
5. Write some letters before I leave for the summer

1. HSM3 (this is for you Molly!)
2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
3. Center Stage 2
4. Bride Wars
5. Now and Then (I am having withdraws!)

People that have really blessed me lately (in no particular order... there will be more than 5, deal with it!):
1. Danielle
2. Jessie
3. James
4. Molly
5. Kaitlyn (my RA)
6. Danica
7. Lauren
8. Courtney (my roomie! I will miss her)
9. Parker
10. Eric
11. Zach
12. Riley
13. Andrew
14. The Cokers
15. The Thomas's

Final Thoughts:
1. 9 more days...
2. 3 more anatomy tests...
3. I am almost done with freshman year... Praise the Lord
4. Man... what a year it has been.
5. I can't wait to be home. I miss my home!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just a little side note

So, as some of you may know, I only drink skim milk. I know that I am in the minority here, but I don't really care. I do not think it tastes like watered down milk. I grew up drinking skim milk and that is what I like. Simple as that so don't argue with me that it sucks, I don't care if you like it or not. Plus, considering how much I love milk, I would much rather be drinking milk that if fat free and has significantly fewer calories. It just makes sense.

Well, Walmart was sold out of skim milk yesterday (at least in the size cartons that would fit in my fridge) so I have to settle for 2%. I understand that this is the universal favorite milk, but I do not like it. Plus, since I only drink skim milk I feel like I can taste every bit of fat in 2% milk. I hate it. Bah. It is so gross!!

I will forever love skim milk.