Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 3

I must say, today was not nearly as productive as I would have liked, but such is life.

1. I woke up to a phone call from my dad. Not my favorite wake up call in the world, but hey, it happens.
2. After a long talk, and A LOT of money, my dad booked my tickets for thanksgiving! I am flying in to Houston on Monday November 23 at 8:30pm and flying out Sunday November 29 at 3:30pm! I get so much time off and I couldn't be happier! I need to be home.
3. Once I got off of the phone I decided to go ahead and finish my nutrition paper. Success.
4. Next, I got started on my Civ paper. Sheesh. I didn't get particularly far, but oh well... at least I started. I keep justifying it considering the fact that it is not due until a week from Monday. I will hopefully get a lot done tomorrow.
5. I did a good amount of physiology reading as well. I am not sure I retained much... but I did it! :) This class is KILLING me this semester... I need to do all that I can to survive. I am so nervous
6. I ended up going to my great uncles house to have dinner with him and his "wife." They are not technically married, but they have been living together for like 20+ years... so I tend to just use the term wife. Anyway, they are that awkward family that none of us really like to see... but at the same time it is my grandmas brother, and he does take me to the airport, so I need to be polite. It really isn't horrible... just weird, ya know?
7. Once I got back to the house I decided to order some jewelry... and I am super excited. nothing too special, just a necklace and some earrings.*
8. As per the usual of this break, I picked a movie to watch for the night. I chose... He's Just Not That Into You!! :) I absolutely LOVE this movie. Seriously though. Can we say story of my life?! Yes. haha. If you have seen it, think about the character Gigi... now picture me. Pretty much one in the same. This is somewhat sad, but very true! Gosh. I can't wait to watch this again over Thanksgiving break with DG. Perf.
9. Tomorrow holds another day of paper writing and physiology reading. What joys await. Sigh. But, I have decided to not do any homework on Sunday... so I have something to look forward to. I am so burnt out on school.
10. Have I mentioned how ready I am for Thanksgiving break?! Seriously! I need a break from school, and need the taste of home! Fall break has been a good opportunity for me to get some work done, which has been needed for sure, but it has made me extra homesick. I have had a lot of time alone, which definitely has its benefits, but I am ready to be around people again! Ha. I miss BD like crazy!! I am ready to be home!

*Ok, so buying this little bit of jewelry is part of my attempt to become more of a girl. It might be a loooong process, since I hardly have a feminine bone in my body (at least when it comes to my appearance), but I have some moral support and 'guidance' from a certain bffae of mine. Haha. Oh my, don't judge me.


Danielle said...

I love the little sidenote! ha. Presh. I feel it's my obligation as your bffae to help you out in this area ;)

OH, and I love HJNTIY. DD.

Andrew said...

He's Just Not That Into You!! :) I absolutely LOVE this movie.

In my humble opinion...

That movie was a slanderous, lying, ugly, duplicitous, rotten piece of propaganda that would have made Stalin and the Pravda blush.

"No guy wants to get married." Bullsh*t.
