Saturday, November 21, 2009

Call me a nerd

I LOVE making to-do lists. Seriously. I made one the other night when I should have been studying for civ and physiology ;). This list entailed all the homework and other various tasks I wanted to complete before I left for thanksgiving break, so that I could have the maximum time possible to have fun/relax while at home. Initially, I was completely overwhelmed by all the stuff I had to do and seriously considered crying right then and there. But, I decided to just focus on one thing at a time until I got it all done. I think one of my favorite feelings in the world is being able to cross things off of a list. I feel so completely accomplished, and with each slash I feel a weight being lifted. Man... what a great feeling! :)

As soon as I finished my civ test Friday, I went to the library and checked out 9 different books about Martin Luther and his life for my research paper. I came back to my room and got to work looking through them all. It took about 4 hours... but I made my way through them and typed up all the possible quotes I could use in my paper and such. I don't plan on looking at the paper again until after break, but it is nice to know that I got most of the hard part done. Then I did my civ homework for Mondays class. Victory. Another item crossed off the list. After my workout (yep... that means yet another slash!) I did some laundry. Oh what a great feeling that was. I woke up this morning and did my civ homework that is due the Monday we get back from break (yeah... I am that much ahead... be proud). All that is left on my list today is: meeting with my group about our nutrition presentation, writing a fake sociology paper*, Thanksgiving dinner with the same group as last year, physiology reading and a workout. I am making some serious progress...and man am I glad I made a list to keep track of it all! :)

*In regards to this "fake" sociology paper: you see, we write 3 papers during the semester. If we complete all 3 we qualify to do the extra credit paper at the end of the semester... which entails watching a movie from a list she gave us and relating it to sociology. Our professor drops our lowest paper grade of the 3. Whether we make a 100 (which no one does) on all three... only 2 get counted. So, she suggested to us (since paper number 3, the fake one I will write today, is due the Monday we get back from thanksgiving) that we simply turn a piece of paper in with our names on it and a few sentences and let that be the dropped grade. Considering I made A's on my other 2 papers... I am totally doing this. Basically, I am just going to pick one of the prompts and write an opinion paper... no research or anything... just so I can have something to turn in and qualify for extra credit. This is kind of stressing me out, because I can't imagine not trying on something... but then again, our professor did encourage that! Ha.

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