Friday, December 11, 2009

Oh, just a little update.

I haven't blogged in a while simply because nothing too interesting has been going on. I must say, I am completely exhausted. I desperately wish OBU believed in this whole "dead week" concept rather than "cram-everything-you-possibly-can (including tests and papers)-into-the-last-week-before-finals-starts-and-time-runs-out" week. But, I suppose I should just be grateful that it is Friday and at 2pm my 3rd semester of college classes will be complete. Victory. Here is my final schedule, in case you are curious:
Monday: 8:00am- Civ (comprehensive. blah)
3:15pm- Physiology final #1 (Lecture portion; comprehensive)
4:15pm- Physiology final #2 (Lab portion; comprehensive)
Tuesday: 8:00am- Development and Nutrition final (this is the one I am most worried about; comprehensive)
3:15pm- Sociology final (not comprehensive)
THEN I AM DONE! I can't wait. Just the word "finals" is making me cringe these days. Sheesh. I am just so ready for this semester to be over. It has been truly exhausting. Christmas break will be a sweet relief. I plan on finally relaxing. Ah, it sounds wonderful.

In other new, my roommate from last year is going to come up on Wednesday to visit me (seeing as how I don't fly out until Thursday)! I am excited. I have really missed living with her and I think it will be super fun to just catch up and hang out. It takes me a long time to get comfortable around people, but she made it pretty easy last year. We got along so well, and we both got to be ourselves. Super fun. I am looking forward to seeing her.

I have been making some serious cash off of my books thus far! It is awesome. The sad part is that I have made $185 so far... and it ALMOST pays for my ONE nursing book next year. Oh college, why are you so obscenely expensive?! sheesh. The good news is that at least I am making money back to put towards the book fund, so it wont be quite as overwhelming of a cost.

I have been studying a good part of the afternoon/evening for my physiology finals. I started to get REALLY stressed out in realizing how much there was to learn. So, once I finished for the night I decided my best bet to calm my anxieties was to put in HSM3. I must say, it was a great decision! That movie makes me SO happy. I wish more than anything that my life was a musical.

Lately (more specifically, today), I have been craving spontaneity! I am an organized person, generally speaking. I do really well with routine and I am comfortable with very little change. I like to be able to plan my days and know what I will be doing, when and where. Surprises are so appealing to me in theory, but typically they stress me out more than anything. I like structure... it works for me. I am cautious. I like safety and security. However, I would really like to, for just a moment, be spontaneous. Not crazy or stupid, just spontaneous. Something that just makes you feel alive. I don't know what it is, and I don't have anything in mind, I have just been restless lately. I feel like a small adventure could do me some good. Sigh, at least I can dream!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Idea: You steal your dads car and drive from Boston to see me!!

How's that for spontaneity?! haha.