Friday, February 12, 2010

I am feeling legit.

I have entered the beginning stages of the OBU nursing school. This semester I have my first real "nursing" class. It is Intro to Nursing and the class portion is 3 hours long on Wednesdays and a 2 hour lab on Tuesdays. This class will allow me to get my CNA (certified nurses assistant) license at the end of the semester, and hopefully work in the hospital this summer (I hope!). This class is what the title implies, an introduction to all things nursing. I have my first shift as a nursing student on February 25 in the Shawnee Free Clinic and an 8 hour shift at the nursing home in April. It is all still a little surreal. Of course, I had to have a uniform, which includes scrubs, white shoes, and a stethoscope. Putting all of this on was SO exciting for me, and so I decided to share some pictures with you all! Enjoy! (ps: sorry if the pictures are small, I got tired of trying to fix it).

This is me in my official OBU, hunter green scrubs, along with the OBU patch on the sleeve that I sewed on all by myself! Notice the matching stethoscope, compliments of my wonderful aunt. This was ridiculously expensive, but it is so so so exciting!

This is me in my scrubs and in my PPE (personal protective equipment). These booties, hair net, mask, gown and gloves will need to be worn anytime I see a patient in isolation. I must say, wearing this makes me feel the most legit of all!

Putting all of this stuff on reminded me how excited I am to be a nurse. The process may be rather frustrating, but I am so looking forward to what is in store for me in the future. :)


Danielle said...

LOVES IT!!! haha.

and P.S. the pic of you in the weird booties and whatnot made me chuckle. WEIRD.

Danica said...

Bah...I am so jealous! I wish I were getting to do cool stuff like you! But I am super excited for you and can't wait hear all about it!

Molly said...

You look adorable :):)