Tuesday, June 8, 2010

In Jesus I Will Find My Home

It has been a while, so let me just briefly recap the past few weeks with things I have experienced/learned:

1. This summer has not been what I expected at all. Things are different everywhere I look. HNW is different. I am living in a different house. The people I see regularly are different. I am different. It has been easy for me to get a little overwhelmed by all the change going on around me... BUT I am comforted that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).

2. I went to Arlington yesterday (Monday) with the Junior High kids. Basically, I got to hang out with the student interns all day. Very fun indeed. I have been surprised by how easily I have hit it off with all three of them. It normally takes me quite a while to relax around people I don't know, but so far so good. That has certainly been a blessing so far this summer.

3. Things have been a little tough for me (and a few others I know) early on this summer. Through it all I am reminded that His grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). The peace that provides has been astounding.

4. My uncle Sam and beautiful cousin Izzy come in tomorrow. I am SO excited. I saw Sam a few weeks ago, but I haven't seen my precious cousin since Thanksgiving. Ah! I can't wait. She is going to be 9 in a just a few short months... man, time flies! Love them. So pumped to see them.

5. Speaking of wonderful people coming in town, my bffae gets here Friday. There is no possible way I could put my excitement into words, so I won't even try. All I can say is that I am so ready for Friday!

6. I have been really slacking on my reading and my yoga. I feel like I have fairly legit excuses, but nonetheless I need to get back act together! ha.

7. Pen Pals are wonderful. I need to get some stationary so I can put it to good use with my dear roommate, Casie, and Amanda while she is at camp. Writing letters is great. I just need to be a little more disciplined about it.

8. I got to talk (I mean text) with both Casie and Lauren for a good amount of time today. Gosh, I miss them a lot. But, Casie is having a wonderful time in New Orleans and the Lord is really doing a great work in her and through her. Lauren has also been blessed with a pretty great job and some sweet time with her family. I couldn't be happier for them both.

9. I just want everyone to know how much I truly love Freeze Pops. Seriously. Possibly the greatest invention of all time. They have provided me with ridiculous amounts of joy lately. Simply wonderful.

10. I think the biggest thing I have been learning this summer is that Jesus, not hnw or my house or my friends, is my "safe place", my "home." I have spent much of summer thus far discouraged. I have felt out of place and lonely. It really caught me off guard because I always considered my church, my home and my friends to be my safe place... the one thing I could count on. And while none of those things are bad, the Lord has been breaking me down and showing me that HE is my constant. He is the one thing I can count on and turn to. It has been a tough lesson for me to learn (and I am still learning), but I have needed this. He has just been telling me over and over the past week or so that He is my safe place. In Jesus I will find my home.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

1. Hebrews 13:8 has been one of my favorite verses as of late. I repeat it to myself regularly :)

4. I didn't realize it'd been that long since you'd seen Izzy! Gosh, she's probably your height now!

5. I AM SO READY!!!!! WOOHOOO!!! Seriously. These next few days better fly.

6. Yoga = Disgusting.

9. Freeze pops ARE the best :) Please tell me you've tried a banana one...

10. I love hearing your heart. Such good Truth. Praying for you.