Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I am NOT complicated.

This may sound like an odd statement, but I am sticking with it. I am not all that complicated. I love with all that is in me, and I desire to feel love in return. I love to give, whether of myself or gifts. I love to listen and be available. I find such satisfaction in feeling important and significant. I want to be wanted. I like to feel as though I have value. I am unashamed to tell you how much I love you, or how great I think you are. I may feel things deeper than some, but I don't think that makes me complicated. It makes me more sensitive, sure, but not complicated.I invest a lot into others, and I like to be invested into. I stress, I worry and I fear, but I am working on it. I trust far to easily, and I get hurt plenty along the way, but I am not giving up. I fight for what I love. I love for people to trust me. I make plans and think about my future. I daydream a lot. I hope for the best, and I fear disappointment. I have high expectations, which can be both good and bad. I have passions. I have pleasures. I have pain. I have sorrow. I get excited, and I show it. I am open with my emotions, but I am not always open with why, but ask me and I'll tell you... simple as that. Tell me I matter on occasion, and I am satisfied. I am not nearly as needy as most people think, but I do need the affirmation at times. I am not confident. I am insecure. I question things. I am hesitant with people and situations that are unfamiliar. I expect honesty and I don't like games. I have my fair share of issues, but who says I can't overcome them? I grow. I learn. I am challenged. I am knocked down. All of this is part of this life I have chosen to lead. I am happy some days. I have faced sorrow other days. God is there regardless. I want you to pursue me to some degree. I want you to care, and even if it is in a unique and unconventional way, show it. I don't need all my problems fixed, but I will probably need a listening ear. I like to have fun. I like to enjoy myself. I like to be silly. I hate to fail, so I often don't try things. I commit wholeheartedly to things once I am in. Whether this is people or an activity, I say 'Do it or don't.' I wish things were easier a lot of the time. I like to think about ideal situations, but don't be fooled, I am not naive. I want to stay young. I want better things than what I have had thus far. I want to fall in love. I want to get married. I want to have a family of my own. It is hard for me to hope sometimes. Faith does not come easily to me, so I pray for it. I want you to take the time to get to know me, because I love getting to know you! I want to be a faithful friend. I want to be a faithful servant. I want to be better than what I am.

So you see, I am not that complicated! I am just an imperfect person, living in an imperfect world, trying to live for a perfect God.


Anonymous said...

Good post, and an accurate analysis. Though I would say, it isn't your character traits that make you complicated, it's the extra X chromosome.

Danielle said...

i loved this!
you're pretty stinkin cute ;)

Molly R said...

Giiiirrl! I feel the same way. Glad we got to talk this week!